The robots are automatons present on all six Tiny Planets as well as in space, though most commonly on the Tiny Planet of Technology. They have segmented hulls and can be orange, white, purple, pink, green, red, or blue in colour. Most robots possess a pair of arms and either a propellor or a set of wheels, though they may have a variety of other parts with different functions. While the robots are there to help, and do so in most cases, they sometimes inadvertently cause problems.
Notable Robots[]
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Nature (aka Planet Robot)[]
- Flockwash Robot
- Heater Robot
- Ice Cream Stand
- Spark
- Socket
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Stuff[]
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Self[]
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Technology[]
- Polishing Robot
- Robot Mechanic
- Construction Robots
- Cleaning Machine
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Light and Colour[]
Notable Robots on the Tiny Planet of Sound[]
Notable Robots in Space[]
The robots usually serve as repair and construction workers, though they have served other purposes.
- Repair/upgrading: In Pedal Meddle, a robot successfully repaired two flockercycles, but then proceeded to give the wrong cycle to the wrong flocker. The robot also adjusted the pedals on the remaining cycle and repaired Bing's broken wristwatch.
- Construction: Robots have constructed flocker houses and at least one bridge on the Planet of Technology. They also constructed a large screen on the Planet of Sound, and a flockwash on the Planet of Nature.
- Cleaning/polishing: In the episode Slippery Slopes, a robot rather excessively polished a floor on the Planet of Technology. In the Tiny Planets virtual world, any robot that catches site of the player will fly into them, stunning them, and exclaiming "Everything must be clean and tidy!". The downloadable colouring story 'Cleaning Chaos' features a robot excessively cleaning everything in sight.[1]
- Sound: On multiple occasions a robot with a speakerphone has provided sounds for shows on the Planet of Light and Colour, and for a tangram display on the Planet of Stuff in Shapes Alive
- Frozen yoghurt: A robot can be seen built into a frozen yoghurt machine on the Tiny Planet of Self and the Tiny Planet of Nature.
- Stationary robots: Some robots do not move, but appear to be built into mechanical-looking objects, similarly to the frozen yoghurt machines. Two such robots are the suit rack from Suits You, and five robots making up a giant Newton's cradle in Give Me Five, both on the Planet of Stuff.
- Other: A robot with electric heaters for hands appeared in Snow Problem on the Tiny Planet of Nature. In the segments between missions on Noggin's 22-minute episode blocks, some robots appear holding traffic lights and redirecting Bing and Bong to other planets.
- Description of Robots from the Tiny Planet of Technology from Facebook "Robots are segmented spherical creatures with mechanical arms and helicopter rotors. Found on the Planet of Technology, like all robots, they are linear thinkers attempting to multi-task. They are there to help but do not take instructions well. Thus they are a challenge and Bing and Bong learn to work with them to get the best out of them."[2]
- Your Guide to the Tiny Planets Description: "the robots of the tiny planets universe are there to build things and generally help out. they sometimes make mistakes though, so you have to keep your eyes on them!"